This May, we will be going to the Camp Ware at the Horseshoe Scout Reservation for a moviemaking competition. Patrols will develop their scripts during patrol corners and then come prepared to shoot and edit their movies. This trip also marks a return to patrol cooking. Each patrol will identify […]
On May 24, 2021, the troop will be conducting Scoutmaster Conferences and Board of Reviews in addition to normal advancement and merit badge classes. Some classes may be complete. Reach out to your instructor to determine if you will be meeting. If you are ready for a Scoutmaster Conference and […]
Description We will be holding one of our regular Highway Cleanups on Saturday, June 5, 2021, from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. We will be meeting at the Upper Dublin High School parking lot for drop-off and pick-up. COVID Guidelines As with all current Scouting events, all Adults and Scouts are required […]