As described in the troop newsletter, we will do this trip a little differently than in the past. What remains the same is that all backpackers will carry everything they need for the weekend on their backs, eat the same type of food, and camp overnight in the same style. […]
We will be holding one of of our regular Highway Cleanups on Saturday, October 3, 2020, from 8:30AM to 10:00AM. We will be meeting at the Upper Dublin High School parking lot for drop off and pick ups As with all in-person activities, all participants must bring a signed COVID […]
The monthly Troop Committee Meeting will be held via Zoom until further notice. Once in-person meetings are approved by Supplee and the Troop, we will notify the committee of those arrangements.
For the Fall, we will be holding a combination of in-person and virtual options for our regular Troop meetings In-Person Option In-person classes will be taught outside for the next several weeks. You need to bring:1. Completed and signed COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire (everyone's temperature will be taken during check-in)2. Mask3. […]
Event Description: The main activity on our October tent camping trip to French Creek State Park will be an orienteering competition. Patrols will be given a topographical map with locations of targets marked on it. Each target has a different pattern punch hanging from it. The patrol that uses map […]