Authored by Troop Historian: Vicente
Our troop camping trip this month was a weekend at Hawk Mountain, where we stayed in cabins for two nights. We arrived Friday night and settled in. On Saturday, we woke up, cooked breakfast and then started our activities. Some of us went on a five-mile hike, while the rest of us played organized ultimate frisbee. Following lunch, it was time for the main event–our own Scout-run troop carnival. Each patrol independently organized and ran their own game booth.
Carnival games included pseudo Jeopardy by the Pythons, skeeball by the Sharks, a homerun derby with a troop water jug by the Pine Trees, a three-point contest using a rectangle on a table as the hoop by the Cobras, cup pong with water by the Cougars, thimblerig played with three cups and a ball by the Lightnings, cross a slackline by the Eagles, and even “land a baseball in the model raven’s mouth”, run by none other than the Raven patrol. Reportedly, the water jug home run derby and water pong stations were the most enjoyable, while the baseball raven and slackline stations were the most challenging. All of the games were run inside with the notable exclusions of Pine Tree and Eagle patrols.
After everyone had their fill of carnival games, we cooked a delicious dinner and held our campfire. We performed skits, sang songs, and ended by watching Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark projected on our screen. We woke up the next morning and after breakfast had our interfaith service. When we finished packing up, everyone was sorry to leave after having had a wonderful time.